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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hunger Games Catching Fire part 2 Revison

                           Hunger Games Catching Fire part 2
       I think Katniss from the Hunger Games, by Suzane Collins, is in deep trouble right now because I now know for sure that if the games get cancelled because of her lying that she was pregnant and that she already got married to Peeta, President Snow will just come to her house with a group of assians and kill her and her family. The reason the Quall games might get cancelled is because she told the crowd that she got pregnant with Peeta and that they were already married and when she told the crowed this they were all crying, booing, and were acting wild. The reason President Snow will try anything in his power to kill her is right now she just gave the actual people of the Capitol the idea of rebelling, not just the people of the districts. Also she already has caused a rebellion and if he kills her they might stop the rebellion because she is the leader of it, but they might just go crazy and start actually attacking the government.

     I think the title of the book is telling you that once an idea is spread it can't stop. I think it’s true because if you throw a lit match into a forest the whole thing burns down which I think is similar to the idea that if 1 person has an idea that idea spreads until a lot of people have the idea. I think Katniss is kind of like the person with the idea in this book because her idea is that the government should make life easier for everyone and she has already spread the idea which is causing the fire, the rebellion. I think that this quote kind of shows my idea "We had to save you because you're the mockingjay, Katniss," says Plutarch. "While you live, the revolution lives." (Page 194). Except in my idea I think the rebellion would still go on even if the idea spreader were to die.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am Legend

   I think Robert, from the book I am Legend, by Richard Matheson made a bad decision when he decided to stay in his house instead of going to the mountains. I think it was a bad idea because Ruth told him that members of a new society of people were going to kill him and that he should go to the mountains if he wants to be safe. If he would of gone to the mountains he could of lived for a long time because Ruth promised she wouldn't tell anyone where he is. I think that he probably stayed in his house because he honestly wanted to die because he thought he was just going to die anyway or that he didn't believe Ruth. But now because he died in a way he could be like vampires to the new race because he is the last kind. It also made me think were the vampires of before a old type of humans that didn't survive a similar plague.

  I'm thinking that Robert will cause a new legend in a way vampires did before him. I thought this because he was the only survivor of his race and that he killed members of the new society. He didn't think that the new society was alive and living with this bacteria. Also in a way he could be a legend because he taught Ruth about the bacteria she and the rest of the society had and ways to survive with the new bacteria host. Finally I think that if Robert would of moved to the mountains he probably would of died anyway because I don't think their is a house up there like his.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Social Articles post

       I chose the social issue of war kind of. The articles I chose were on how Russia will attack U.S. missiles defense sites in Europe if they are built. The missile defense sites were built so that Iran won't nuke certain European countries. The other article is about how Iran has slowed down it's nuclear program and how Obama thinks now we should try to persuade Iran to abandon its atomic weapons ambitions. I think its a social issue because Russia or Iran might threaten to start war.

       I think it might start a war because if we build missile defense sites in Europe Russia will attack them. Then I think we will attack them back. After that Russia, Iran, China, Japan, and possibly Germany will attack us because most of the countries hate our country and Germany might hate us because of World War 2. Then U.S.A and it's allies GBR, Canada, France, Austrailia, Vietnam, and India will attack them. Vietnam and India would be our allies for this war because they are angry at China for taking territory away from them. Finally thats why I think the nuclear program going on in Iran is a bad idea.


Social Awareness #5 song

 The song I chose is Where is the love? by the Black Eyed Peas. The song is about how we need to respect other races and it shows how discrimination is bad. The song's message is don't hate on other races treat them like how you would like to be treated. I think this song is right because if we disrespect other races we could get less things done instead of respecting other races and getting more things done, like work. The song makes me think about how the world would be if we were all treated the same in my point of view this world would be more advanced in technology because we all would work together and we would probably stop killing other races for no reason.

 The song is also about how war is bad and that we should stop it. The another message of the song is instead of war how about we have peace instead. I think we should have peace instead of war because their would be less people dead, kids who had parents in war would have their parents back home, and their would probably be less disabled people. This also makes me feel like if we should have the war in Afghanistan because I see no point in having a war their because none of the terrorists are in Afghanistan anymore. It kind of made me feel sad because think of all the people who died in pointless wars like this one.

2 voice poem #1

If I don't do my work I get beat by my foster parents
If I don't do my chores I don't get ice cream for dessert
I have no friends so I look out the window
I have no friends so I play video games all day, every day
I wish I had a real home cooked meal
I wish I had some pizza
I get beaten by the other orphans
I get made fun of by other kids at school
I wish I had parents
I wish I get everything the way I want

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunger Games Catching Fire part 2

       I think Katniss from the Hunger Games, by Suzane Collins, is in deep trouble right now because I now know for sure that if the games get cancelled because of her lying that she was pregnant and that she already got married to Peeta  President Snow will just come to her house with a group of assians and kill her and her family. The reason the Quall games might get cancelled is because she told the crowd that she got pregnant with Peeta and that they already married and when she told the crowed this they were all crying, booing, and were acting wild. The reason President Snow will try anything in his power to kill her is right now she just gave the actual people of the Capitol the idea of rebelling, not just the people of the districts. Also she already has caused a rebellion and if he kills her they might stop the rebellion because she is the leader of it, but they might just go crazy and start actually attacking the government.

     I think the title of the book is telling you that once an idea is spread it can't stop. I think its true because if you throw a lit match into a forest the whole thing burns down which I think is similar to the idea that if 1 person has an idea that idea spreads until a lot of people have the idea. I think Katniss is kind of like the person with the idea in this book because her idea is that the government should make life easier for everyone and she has already spread the idea which is causing the fire, the rebellion. I think that this quote kind of shows my idea "We had to save you because you're the mockingjay, Katniss," says Plutarch. "While you live, the revolution lives." Except in my idea I think the rebellion would still go on even if the idea spreader were to die.

Social Awareness Blog media/news

Something that I saw on the History Channel that intrigued me was a government alien conspiracy. What I saw was that Humans have been working with Aliens since we first met and that the Human DNA code might have Alien DNA since they were trying to make out species smarter, which makes since because you just don't see a thing that has been living for 5 million years make cities out of the blue. Also I think its true because they said that ancient Egyptians used some kind of device that makes blocks levitate and a lazar device instead of 10 million egyptians lifting 300 ton blocks to finish the pyramids in exactly 20 years. It would make a lot of sense because you need like 1 million egyptians to carry 1 block and put it on another also with their levitating device it would probably make sense that it only took the egyptians 20 years to build the pyramids. Also they said that Aliens helped Humans with space travel which would make sense because people just don't go from cheap cars to spaceships in 40 years, (1900 - 1940's Nazi's invented rockets during World War 2) so thats why I agree with the History Channel that Aliens did help the Human race.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hunger Games Catching fire

I think that Katniss, from the book the Hunger Games, by Suzane Collins, made a dumb decsion by trying to make her and Peeta commit suicide at the end of the games. I think that it wasn’t a smart idea because right now she is causing an uprising in all of the districts, which could cause her and everyone she knows to die. But then again it was kind of smart because now she doesn’t have to kill her friend Peeta, who the Capitol had thought were lovers. Also I think that if she finds district 13 she could possibly be safe from the Capitol because district 13 has nukes and possibly underground bases. But I'm not sure she will make it to district 13 because I have a feeling president Snow will try to kill her so that he could send the message that if anyone else wants to start an uprising will be killed.

      I'm kind of nervous for Katniss because she has to fight in the Qual games which is kind of like the hunger games but happens every 25 years. I'm starting to feel suspense because if Haymitch were to help her battle he would probably die fast and if Peeta were to help her fight Haymitch would help Peeta because Haymitch owes Peeta. Also I think that during the games president Snow will personally make the games master try to kill Katniss. I think she won't survive this one because she got lucky the last time because Haymitch bought her all the medicine she needed. Finally I think if she were to win this game too she will get in a serious depression because I don't think she can bear to watch anymore people die.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

2 blog posts I liked

2 blog posts I liked were by Oscar and Gabe. I enjoyed Oscar’s blog post a lot because of his writing style and his descriptions. I liked his descriptions because they mad me feel like I was actually reading the book because I could actually imagine it. Also I liked how Oscar shared his own opinion. I also like his final conclusion how sometimes people from warring countries could help each other out.
  I like Gabe’s post because he connected 2 different characters to each other. His details are also superb like Oscar’s they feel like I was actually reading the book. Another cool thing Gabe did was the poem he wrote in the end because it rhymed swell and it made sense. I also like what he thought of the book because in a way he is right. Finally I think it is cool how Aron from Between a rock and a hard place drunk his own pee to survive. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog post 1

  In my book, The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins, the protagonist, Katniss, changes from becoming calm and easy to nervous and hard to deal with. I think a major factor in this change is that she is participating in the Hunger Games, which is basically like the gladiator fights of ancient Rome except with 12-year-old kids from different parts of the country. Also she has changed in this way because she was nervous about actually killing someone and being killed because she has to take care of her family. Also she has to try to kill her friend, Peeta if she wants to survive the games. She might also be angry because her friend betrayed her and is now joining an evil alliance to try to kill her.
   Also I think that Katniss will win this battle of wits because she is in a wooded area and she basically grew up in the woods and can climb trees easily. I think she will also win because if she gets a bow and arrow and goes into the trees she can just kill everyone from the trees. She is also faster and probably smarter about her environment then everyone else because like I said before she grew up in the woods. Also she has adapted to using the knife and she could probably be as effective as she is with the bow and arrow with the knife. But the problem with her is she isn’t that strong so if she were to be in a hand-to-hand conflict she would probably lose because everyone else seems to be strong. Also she could lose if someone had a spear, bow and arrow, or javelin and saw her, then they could probably easily kill her.