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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am Legend

   I think Robert, from the book I am Legend, by Richard Matheson made a bad decision when he decided to stay in his house instead of going to the mountains. I think it was a bad idea because Ruth told him that members of a new society of people were going to kill him and that he should go to the mountains if he wants to be safe. If he would of gone to the mountains he could of lived for a long time because Ruth promised she wouldn't tell anyone where he is. I think that he probably stayed in his house because he honestly wanted to die because he thought he was just going to die anyway or that he didn't believe Ruth. But now because he died in a way he could be like vampires to the new race because he is the last kind. It also made me think were the vampires of before a old type of humans that didn't survive a similar plague.

  I'm thinking that Robert will cause a new legend in a way vampires did before him. I thought this because he was the only survivor of his race and that he killed members of the new society. He didn't think that the new society was alive and living with this bacteria. Also in a way he could be a legend because he taught Ruth about the bacteria she and the rest of the society had and ways to survive with the new bacteria host. Finally I think that if Robert would of moved to the mountains he probably would of died anyway because I don't think their is a house up there like his.

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