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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Social Articles post

       I chose the social issue of war kind of. The articles I chose were on how Russia will attack U.S. missiles defense sites in Europe if they are built. The missile defense sites were built so that Iran won't nuke certain European countries. The other article is about how Iran has slowed down it's nuclear program and how Obama thinks now we should try to persuade Iran to abandon its atomic weapons ambitions. I think its a social issue because Russia or Iran might threaten to start war.

       I think it might start a war because if we build missile defense sites in Europe Russia will attack them. Then I think we will attack them back. After that Russia, Iran, China, Japan, and possibly Germany will attack us because most of the countries hate our country and Germany might hate us because of World War 2. Then U.S.A and it's allies GBR, Canada, France, Austrailia, Vietnam, and India will attack them. Vietnam and India would be our allies for this war because they are angry at China for taking territory away from them. Finally thats why I think the nuclear program going on in Iran is a bad idea.


1 comment:

  1. it's good that you were able to take the issue that you chose and predict something on it, instead of just summarizing. You found a very interesting topic, and you understood it, which was good.
