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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hunger Games Catching Fire part 2

       I think Katniss from the Hunger Games, by Suzane Collins, is in deep trouble right now because I now know for sure that if the games get cancelled because of her lying that she was pregnant and that she already got married to Peeta  President Snow will just come to her house with a group of assians and kill her and her family. The reason the Quall games might get cancelled is because she told the crowd that she got pregnant with Peeta and that they already married and when she told the crowed this they were all crying, booing, and were acting wild. The reason President Snow will try anything in his power to kill her is right now she just gave the actual people of the Capitol the idea of rebelling, not just the people of the districts. Also she already has caused a rebellion and if he kills her they might stop the rebellion because she is the leader of it, but they might just go crazy and start actually attacking the government.

     I think the title of the book is telling you that once an idea is spread it can't stop. I think its true because if you throw a lit match into a forest the whole thing burns down which I think is similar to the idea that if 1 person has an idea that idea spreads until a lot of people have the idea. I think Katniss is kind of like the person with the idea in this book because her idea is that the government should make life easier for everyone and she has already spread the idea which is causing the fire, the rebellion. I think that this quote kind of shows my idea "We had to save you because you're the mockingjay, Katniss," says Plutarch. "While you live, the revolution lives." Except in my idea I think the rebellion would still go on even if the idea spreader were to die.

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