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Friday, February 3, 2012

Art stuff

Lavender Marilyn

   Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Forest Hills, Pennsylvania. He was mostly a pop artist but he also made films, books, and even produced a magazine called the Interview. He had plastic surgery done to his nose in 1957. He moved to New York City to follow his dreams of being an artist in the late 40's. He nearly got assassinated by a women named Valerie Solanisin 1968, he later dies in NYC in 1987 of a failed surgery. He liked to paint famous people and things that have to do with death. Bolton, Linda. Andy Warhol.  Hong Kong: Franklinwatts,2002.

  The artwork I chose is called the Lavender Marilyn. I think that he made certain parts of Marilyn bold because thats what she is noticed for. He was fascinated with death and celebrities so he chose her because she was dead and a famous celebrity. The painting was painted in 1962 and is 20x16 in tall. He first shared his work in November, in 62, but because of that artwork he became a famous artist overnight. Bolton, Linda. Andy Warhol. Hong Kong: Franklinwatts,2002.

   I like his work by showing a statement which I think is that what you like I like so I will paint these things we like. Another statement could be that people usually paint what people want to see so let me paint that but make it in a more creative and strange way. I think he is showing these statements to show that he is like the audience and like most of the audience, wants to be famous. I also think he wanted to paint that painting because he wants to be hip, also he is a pop artist so it would make sense. Also he could of painted that painting to show that even beautiful things must meet tragic ends. He shows this by drawing Monroe who died of drug overdose but was said to be one of the most beautiful people alive at the time.


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