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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let's Roll! TIME For Kids Essay

 The purpose of the article is to show people what easter was like at the White House this year. It is kind of important because it shows how the President cares for the kids of his country. Also because it shows how the President celebrates easter.

  This article shows how the President cares for kids of his country by inviting kids to his easter day party. Also his theme for the party helps cares for the kids by making it athletic. By making the theme for his easter day party athletic he helped the kids by helping kids learn that you exercise can be fun or made into some kind of play time. Also he showed them that instead of playing video games inside all day you could play outside, which is healthy, and still have fun. The President also shows that he cares for kids of his country by also inviting famous athletes to the party to play with the kids there.

  The author made the purpose of the article how the President celebrates easter because he wanted to show people who didn't know how the president celebrated easter how he celebrated easter. Also he made this the purpose of the article because he thought it would be interesting for the readers. Another way he showed that this was the purpose of the article by making his article based on easter. Finally he shows that the purpose of the article is easter because his topic sentence is about easter at the White House.

   From this article I learned that the President actually celebrates easter by inviting kids over to the White House and having a easter egg scavenger hunt, playing football, basketball, and rolls eggs down the White House lawn. I also learned that inviting kids over to the White house was a tradition that started over 134 years ago. I also learned that the President spent a lot of time on the party which in my opinion proves that he cares about the kids of this country.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Plagiarism is bad

Ms Galang I could not open that original source you were talking about in your blog so sorry if my blog is way too short or if it is really bad, sorry. What the student did wrong was plagiarizing off of the guy who wrote the original source. The student could of included the source by putting the author's name in parenthesis and also the website he got it from. Another thing you could do to cite your source is to state when your source was published.

Some ways to avoid plagiarizing is too cite your source. Another way to avoid plagiarism is to paraphrase your source, which means to use your own words instead of just copying and pasting the words. Finally you could avoid plagiarizing simply by not plagiarizing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Student Reading Response Aidan + Joyce

 I like Aidan's blog because I like how he used a detail from the book to lead off his blog post. Another thing I like about Aidan's post is how he describes each persons view of the unwound ceremony, especially Connor's because I found it the most intriguing. Another thing I like about Aidan's post is how he described each character, it seems like I'm actually reading some kind of guide on the book because its so detailed.I also liked how Aidan used the idea from the book and put it on to his blog post that blog idea was that even when you get unwound you would still be alive because your brain's memories still live on. Finally I like how Aidan concluded his blog post because his conclusion was very strong and well thought out.

I also liked how in Joyce's post she started off her post strong, what she did was she started off her post with her thoughts instead of with facts from the book. I also liked her 2nd paragraph because she stated her feelings about one of the characters in the book. I also liked her 2nd paragraph because she stated why she is having those feelings about the character instead of just saying why she has those feeling about the character with no reason at all. I liked how she compared Gale and Peeta because it was very interesting and it was very meaningful. Finally I like how she described how she thought how Gale would look like.

I liked how Aidan used details to describe his characters in his blog post, I liked how Joyce started off her blog post with her own idea because it makes it unique from a lot of the blog posts I read over the months because people usually start off their blogs by stating facts in their books. I liked how Aidan concluded his blog because it was very strong and I could tell he put a lot of thought into it. I also liked how Joyce described her feelings for Peeta and Gale because it was very descriptive. Finally I liked how Joyce described Gale and Peeta and why she thought they would look like that.

I could improve my blog posts by adding more quotes in my posts and describing them. I could also start off my blog more creatively like how Joyce started off her blog with an opinion. I could also improve my blog by having less grammar and spelling mistakes. I could also improve my blog posts by adding more descriptive details to my blogs. Finally I could improve my blog by slowing down and rechecking my blogs for all of those mistakes and then I could fix them instead of leaving them there.