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Friday, June 8, 2012

Coming of age blog post #2

    In my book the Countdown, by Deborah Wiles, I think that main character Franny has changed since the beginning the book because she shows her emotions more. One example of this is when her sister Jo goes to college without telling Franny she and Jo get into a huge fight over where she was while earlier in the book I don't even think Franny would of had the courage to argue with someone older then her. Another way she has changed is that she has become less shy. One example is how she talks to her crush Chris. I think that these changes could be good for her because they are letting her out of her little box of emotions and that she is becoming more like a adult by not being that shy anymore.

  I think Franny is showing her emotions more often because she is tired of her life. I think she might be tired of her life because she is tired of trying to show people she is all good and important, also she is afraid of her country being bombed by the Soviets, and she is tired of being treated like crap by her family and friends. She might also show her emotions more often because she is nearing puberty and becoming more mature, like an adult. I think her emotions are also influenced by the Cold War because she is nervous about dying in a nuclear war. Finally I think her emotions are showing because of being treated badly because she is tired of not being noticed and being mistreated which is activating her emotions so she might be noticed and being treated differently.

  I think Franny is now being less shy, especially to Chris because she is starting to know him better. I think she is being less shy to Chris because they hang out a lot now and she is getting invited to his halloween party. In my opinion I think she might also be less shy now because she noticed that being shy got her no friends and got her treated like crap so now she is being less shy so maybe she can get more noticed and treated better. She might also be less shy because she wants to be more like an adult so that people can be like she is the most mature one of the family, she would like this because she loves to be commented on a good note. Finally she might be less shy because she is going through the stage when she turns from a child to a grown up because she is 12 about the age when kids start to mature like adults.

   Overall I think that Franny's coming of age experience has been good because she seems to be happy with her life. Also I think Franny has changed for the better because people pay more attention to her and people treat her better. She also changed for the better because she is more mature then then she was earlier in the book. Another reason why she changed for the better is because she is finding her true self. What I mean by that is that she is finding her inner person, the person that most likely she will grow up to be and become.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Coming of Age Novel Essay

  The era that takes place in the book called the Countdown, by Deborah Wiles kind of reminds me of the era of the Bush Administration because in both of those eras the people of the United States were afraid of being attacked by their foes. I think there is one difference because in one of those eras we were afraid of only small groups of people who were crazy and back then we were afraid of a big country that had tons of nukes. Another way those eras are similar is because both of those sparked racism against people whose origins are from the countries that our nation were afraid of. An example is 911 caused discrimination against Muslims because the stereotype is that all terrorists are Muslim, so they would get bullied at school or searched extra hard at airport. Another example is the stereotype was that in the 1950's  all people who are Soviet Union in origin or were communists were considered spies for the U.S.S.R.

  The eras of the 1950's and 2000's are similar is because the people of those eras were afraid that they would be attacked by certain people. Also they are similar because both those eras sparked racial discrimination against people from the Soviet Union and Muslims because people were afraid that these people would attack the U.S. Another reason why they were similar because they were several issues resulting after those eras such as the mosque near World Trade Center and after the Soviet Union break up when the U.S offered Aid money to Russia. Both of those issues caused problems to the U.S because people thought they shouldn't build a mosque near the 911 site because the terrorists who attacked the Two Twin Towers were Muslim and they thought doing that would cause disrespect to the innocent people who died in 911, as for the other issue it caused problems here because some people thought that the break up of the Soviet Union was just an act and that when they got all the help they would be the Soviet Union again and be even more powerful because they had U.S and allied aid. Also both of those eras were over worried about the U.S.S.R and terrorists attacking us because I think they thought that U.S was so powerful that they never thought they would be attacked so the thought of getting attacked seemed more scary then other countries.

  The eras of the 1950's and 2000's are different because one era of those people were afraid of terrorists doing the unbelievable again like another suicide attack on a famous building structure and another era was afraid that they would be nuked by the Soviets. They are also different because the Cold War era lasted from 1950's- 1991 and the terrorism era lasted from 2001-to the present. Another reason why they are different is because the people of the Cold War era were more afraid of their foe then the Terrorism era. This is true because in the book on page 25 it shows that when the practice drill for a Soviet attack turned on the kids would have to duck and cover under a desk and stay in the school. Another reason that this is true because America had a war against Vietnam, Korea, and a little fight with Cuba all so they could prevent the spread of communism.

   From this book I learned that 2 different eras that were pretty far apart can be so similar. I learned this because I learned from this book and With Their Eyes by Annie Thomas should that in time of fear people discriminate and hate on people because they blamed the problem on them. I also learned how different 40-50 years can affect how a population thinks and how it still stays and reacts the same. This makes me wonder what would be the reaction of the U.S this time if something like that happened again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let's Roll! TIME For Kids Essay

 The purpose of the article is to show people what easter was like at the White House this year. It is kind of important because it shows how the President cares for the kids of his country. Also because it shows how the President celebrates easter.

  This article shows how the President cares for kids of his country by inviting kids to his easter day party. Also his theme for the party helps cares for the kids by making it athletic. By making the theme for his easter day party athletic he helped the kids by helping kids learn that you exercise can be fun or made into some kind of play time. Also he showed them that instead of playing video games inside all day you could play outside, which is healthy, and still have fun. The President also shows that he cares for kids of his country by also inviting famous athletes to the party to play with the kids there.

  The author made the purpose of the article how the President celebrates easter because he wanted to show people who didn't know how the president celebrated easter how he celebrated easter. Also he made this the purpose of the article because he thought it would be interesting for the readers. Another way he showed that this was the purpose of the article by making his article based on easter. Finally he shows that the purpose of the article is easter because his topic sentence is about easter at the White House.

   From this article I learned that the President actually celebrates easter by inviting kids over to the White House and having a easter egg scavenger hunt, playing football, basketball, and rolls eggs down the White House lawn. I also learned that inviting kids over to the White house was a tradition that started over 134 years ago. I also learned that the President spent a lot of time on the party which in my opinion proves that he cares about the kids of this country.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Plagiarism is bad

Ms Galang I could not open that original source you were talking about in your blog so sorry if my blog is way too short or if it is really bad, sorry. What the student did wrong was plagiarizing off of the guy who wrote the original source. The student could of included the source by putting the author's name in parenthesis and also the website he got it from. Another thing you could do to cite your source is to state when your source was published.

Some ways to avoid plagiarizing is too cite your source. Another way to avoid plagiarism is to paraphrase your source, which means to use your own words instead of just copying and pasting the words. Finally you could avoid plagiarizing simply by not plagiarizing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Student Reading Response Aidan + Joyce

 I like Aidan's blog because I like how he used a detail from the book to lead off his blog post. Another thing I like about Aidan's post is how he describes each persons view of the unwound ceremony, especially Connor's because I found it the most intriguing. Another thing I like about Aidan's post is how he described each character, it seems like I'm actually reading some kind of guide on the book because its so detailed.I also liked how Aidan used the idea from the book and put it on to his blog post that blog idea was that even when you get unwound you would still be alive because your brain's memories still live on. Finally I like how Aidan concluded his blog post because his conclusion was very strong and well thought out.

I also liked how in Joyce's post she started off her post strong, what she did was she started off her post with her thoughts instead of with facts from the book. I also liked her 2nd paragraph because she stated her feelings about one of the characters in the book. I also liked her 2nd paragraph because she stated why she is having those feelings about the character instead of just saying why she has those feeling about the character with no reason at all. I liked how she compared Gale and Peeta because it was very interesting and it was very meaningful. Finally I like how she described how she thought how Gale would look like.

I liked how Aidan used details to describe his characters in his blog post, I liked how Joyce started off her blog post with her own idea because it makes it unique from a lot of the blog posts I read over the months because people usually start off their blogs by stating facts in their books. I liked how Aidan concluded his blog because it was very strong and I could tell he put a lot of thought into it. I also liked how Joyce described her feelings for Peeta and Gale because it was very descriptive. Finally I liked how Joyce described Gale and Peeta and why she thought they would look like that.

I could improve my blog posts by adding more quotes in my posts and describing them. I could also start off my blog more creatively like how Joyce started off her blog with an opinion. I could also improve my blog by having less grammar and spelling mistakes. I could also improve my blog posts by adding more descriptive details to my blogs. Finally I could improve my blog by slowing down and rechecking my blogs for all of those mistakes and then I could fix them instead of leaving them there.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

White Fang #2

    In my book called White Fang, by Jack London I think Grey Beaver made a kind of smart decision by giving up White Fang because he got money and rewards back for selling White Fang. Also eventually White Fang might of caused a war between his tribe and another because White Fang kept killing other peoples dogs and children. Also White Fang learned a valuable lesson from this trade which is never trust anyone. White Fang also learned how to love people back when Beauty Smith had White Fang stolen from him by his "Love Master" quote, Scott. Finally it was better for White Fang to be with Scot because he won't have to endear more of Grey Beavers vicious beatings and he would be healthier physically and mentally.

   I think White Fang has evolved over time to become more of a dog because he finally he has learned not to attack everything he sees. Also he finally learned how to love things which is important because he never had any feelings for anything except for his mom when he was a puppy. Also he started to snuggle with his owner which before he would never let anything touch him. He also allowed Scot to pet him and would wait for Scot to come home. Finally he started to do more dog jobs such as being a sled dog and protecting the house and his master.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

White Fang

   I think that in the book White Fang, by Jack London the main character White Fang should leave the Natives for lots of reasons. 1 reason is because he is a wolf and apparently in this book dogs and wolfs don't seem to like each other that much, example Lip- Lip. 2 reason is that he is getting abused and mistreated with the Natives when ever he does something wrong, like accidently bite a Natives finger. 3 reason he is a wild animal so I don't think he would last too long there and his mom is slowly dying in this camp anyway so I think that they would be better off if they just left back too the wild. The last reason is that he is too young so I think that he still needs to know the ways of the wild.

 1 question I have about the book though is why did the Native Americans let White Fang and his mom join the camp in the first place. I think 1 reason they might of let them join so that the wolves could help the Natives hunt for food. Another reason why I think they might of kept them is that they kept them for defense so that when another Native tribe attacks them they could use those wolves against them and those wolves would help them attack the Natives and possibly even kill opposing Natives. Another reason they might keep them for even more company so that when the Natives get bored or something they could play around with the wolves. The final reason is that maybe they could use the wolves as training examples for the dogs, what I mean is that maybe the Natives could force the wolves to teach the dogs some kind of attacking technique.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Literary devices in Romeo and Juliet

     A literary device found in Romeo and Juliet is a oxymoron. The oxymoron in Romeo and Juliet is "It is written that the shoemaker should meddle with his yard and the tailor with his last, the fisher with his pencil and the painter with his nets" on page 29 line 40-42. These lines are oxymorons because they are 2 things that are opposites of each other, example the fisher with his pencil and and painter with his nets. I think Shakespeare chose this literary device too show that the Serving man isn't very educated. Also he showed this device so that he could show the audience that he isn't smart, yet not letting the people in the story think that the serving man is stupid.

     Another literary device Shakespeare uses is irony. The example of this device is when Sampson says to Gregory on page 9, lines 23-24 "When I have fought with the men, I will be civil with the maid; I will cut off their heads. This is an example of irony because cutting off maidens heads isn't very civil at all in fact it is quite the opposite. I think he might of used this example of the literary device for humor so he could get the audience a few laughs. Also he might of used these lines so that he could show that man was very angry, but very clever because if he was overheard saying that near the police he could of been arrested because the police could think that this is going to be an attempted murder.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Romeo and Juliet Letter

   Dear Dante,
     What's up Dante wear doing this play in class called Romeo and Juliet and its really interesting. I think you would find this play interesting because its about 2 wealthy families that always fight and apparently you seem to dig that stuff. Also I think its funny because it has a lot of funny puns in the play, like for example Sanderson or something like that says he will kill some Montague maidens with a naked sword and I just thought it sounds funny but its not that funny because it means rape. Also in case you don't know Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is Capulet those are their families last name. There fights are so frequent and fierce that the Prince threatened in the play to kill all of them if they plan to fight again. 

     In my opinion I think that Juliet and Romeo were destined to be with each other because Rosalyn, Romeo's first lover didn't and couldn't love him back and I don't think Juliet had a boy friend yet. Also Romeo had to kill some people in order to be with Juliet and people tried to kill him too. I think that maybe they were also meant to unite the families so they would finally stop fighting. Also they happened  to just like each other a lot and I don't that just happens. Finally they both killed themselves by drinking some kind of poisoned drink and in the after life they probably will be together because they died together. So I hope you read this letter and I guess we will talk later.

                                         Sincerely,  Jacob

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Another sonnet for Stephan, Sonnet

  I think that this is a sonnet on how Alvin, the author of the sonnet is close to this Stephan person. I have 3 ideas for what I think Stephan is too Alvin. My first idea is that Stephan is Alvin son because he describes him when he was young and really cares for him. My second idea is that maybe he is going to have a son and he is predicting what will happen to his son later on in his life. I think this one makes a lot of sense because he is using present tense or future tense to describe something that sounds like happened in the past, I knew this because see is a future/past tense word. My final idea is that maybe he grew up with Stephan and grew up to be really close friends and then he saw his friend die. I think this is probably the most realistic option because it sounds real and that he dies from cancer or some heart problem and it just sounds like it actually happened.
 I think that this sonnet is really a timeline about what happened between him and Stephan. I think that they first met at age 4 or 5 and then they became friends and played with each other and became really close. Then they either went to the same college or went to different colleges. I think that Stephan went to the same college as him because he can describe how Stephan did in college really detailed. Then I think they got different jobs but they were still really close because he seems to know what Stephan does in his job. Then finally I think that they started to spend more time together because Stephan has some kind of disease, I think its some kind of cancer, and they want to spend some time with each other before Stephan is said to have died. Finally Stephan dies and Alvin writes this sonnet because he wants to remember that close bond they seemed to have shared with each other for their whole life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Shark, My sonnet

The Shark is shaped like a blue torpedo
His arrival foreshadows a life lost
It's like a bullet quick and furious
When the fish swim by they are curious
He swims so smoothly, he swims like water
A man named Carter was afraid of it
King of the Ocean but he has no heir
He is worshipped by all fro all fear him

He rules the sea like a mean dictator
He has a mouth full of knifes for his meal
Watch as he eats his human prey tonight
All run from him when his highness appears

Time is running low he is getting old
Humans are bold for trying to change the old

Monday, February 6, 2012

3 Poems

Poetry is
Poetry is beat
Poetry equals freedom
Poetry is yours
What happens when a person gains his freedom
What happens to a person
When he gains his freedom?
Does he drown in the
Sea of unfair laws
Or does he fly like a dove
From a cage?
Does he crash?
Or does he soar?
Or gets preyed on by the
Great eagle?
Does he escape into the
Content and free?
The Blonde
Her hair is like the sun
Yellow and smooth
Like silk
Her smiles
Are perfect
Like the moon
White and shiny
Her eyes are like
Tasty and Brown
She makes the meanest of men
For she is
Marliyn Monroe

Friday, February 3, 2012

Art stuff

Lavender Marilyn

   Andy Warhol was born in 1928 in Forest Hills, Pennsylvania. He was mostly a pop artist but he also made films, books, and even produced a magazine called the Interview. He had plastic surgery done to his nose in 1957. He moved to New York City to follow his dreams of being an artist in the late 40's. He nearly got assassinated by a women named Valerie Solanisin 1968, he later dies in NYC in 1987 of a failed surgery. He liked to paint famous people and things that have to do with death. Bolton, Linda. Andy Warhol.  Hong Kong: Franklinwatts,2002.

  The artwork I chose is called the Lavender Marilyn. I think that he made certain parts of Marilyn bold because thats what she is noticed for. He was fascinated with death and celebrities so he chose her because she was dead and a famous celebrity. The painting was painted in 1962 and is 20x16 in tall. He first shared his work in November, in 62, but because of that artwork he became a famous artist overnight. Bolton, Linda. Andy Warhol. Hong Kong: Franklinwatts,2002.

   I like his work by showing a statement which I think is that what you like I like so I will paint these things we like. Another statement could be that people usually paint what people want to see so let me paint that but make it in a more creative and strange way. I think he is showing these statements to show that he is like the audience and like most of the audience, wants to be famous. I also think he wanted to paint that painting because he wants to be hip, also he is a pop artist so it would make sense. Also he could of painted that painting to show that even beautiful things must meet tragic ends. He shows this by drawing Monroe who died of drug overdose but was said to be one of the most beautiful people alive at the time.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Maze Runner #2

  In the book the Maze runner, by James Dashner I think that Terasea and Tom knew each other before they came to the maze. I think this because Tearease recongizes Tom from before. I think that before they got into the maze they were rebelling against the creators because they both remeber hating them and they both got into the maze minds brain washed. Also he kind of remebers who Terasea is too. Finally they both  started something called the ending.
   I think they both triggered the ending because maybe they wanted to destroy the maze and try to get out of the maze. They both probably caused the ending because they wanted to get back at the creators and maybe bring the fight to them. Also maybe they caused the ending so they could find the exit to the maze. I wonder why the maze has a code is it so that they can find the creators, kind of like recording the whole thing like in the Hunger Games and maybe the creators are like the game makers and the maze is the arena. Finally I can see Tom and Teresa as brother and sister because they both have the same details describing them and also they knew each other before they met in the maze again.

Maze Runner Numbero 2

  In the book the Maze runner, by James Dashner I think that Terasea and Tom knew each other before they came to the maze. I think this because Tearease recongizes Tom from before. I think that before they got into the maze they were rebelling against the creators because they both remeber hating them and they both got into the maze minds brain washed. Also he kind of remebers who Terasea is too. Finally they both  started something called the ending.

   I think they both triggered the ending because maybe they wanted to destroy the maze and try to get out of the maze. They both probably caused the ending because they wanted to get back at the creators and maybe bring the fight to them. Also maybe they caused the ending so they could find the exit to the maze. I wonder why the maze has a code is it so that they can find the creators, kind of like recording the whole thing like in the Hunger Games and maybe the creators are like the game makers and the maze is the arena. Finally I can see Tom and Teresa as brother and sister because they both have the same details describing them and also they knew each other before they met in the maze again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Questions and Possible Answers for the MAZE RUNNER

 A question I have for the book called The Maze Runner, by James Dashner is what is the point of putting these kids into the maze in the first place? I think that the creators probably put the kids there because the kids could of rebelled against the creators and were sent to a new kind of prison which is the maze. Also maybe the kids did something bad to the creators and the maze could be like a timeout zone. Maybe the creators are like the parents of the kids and the world is a living hell and they wanted to protect their kids by sending them here. Finally the creators could be farming the kids and then eventually eat them.

  Another question I have is why hasn't their been more girls then that one which was the first 1 to arrive at the maze? Maybe they didn't want more girls to arrive because they didn't want the boys to reproduce with the girls and make the population even bigger so then if the kids rebel against the creators it would take longer for the creators to stop the rebellion. Also maybe all the girls had died on the planet and they just found the first one and wanted more girls to repopulate the world with girls. Also maybe the creators thought that boys didn't deserve girls but they feel bad and wanted to see what would happen if boys reunited with girls. Finally maybe girls weren't brought to the maze earlier because the creators thought that the maze might put too much stress on the girls.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


       In my book Mocking Jay by Suzane Collins I think that even though the Capitol has surrendered that the new president of Panem Coin will try to kill Katniss because she is a rival to her power. I think that Katniss is a rival to Coin because Katniss was the rebel leader and she inspired the rebels to attack not Coin. So she could make the people of Panem think that she is bad and have another huge rebellion like what happened with the Capital. But I think Katniss wouldn't fight back though because  she is tired of fighting so much and I think she will be more worried about her family because her sister is dead and now she doesn't want her mom to die too. Also I think Katniss wouldn't fight back because she just fought for the freedom of her country and that she is too weak now to fight back for its freedom again.

      I think that Coin shouldn't try to kill Katniss because if he doesn't kill Katniss the people of Panem won't rebel again. Also if someone were to try to run against him with Katniss supporting Coin, Coin could be president till he or she dies. It would also be good for Coin to kill Katniss because she could run against him and have all of the rebels votes for her. Also I think that Katniss should be vice president for Coin because she would get a lot of votes for Coin because she is the rebel leader. Finally I think that Katniss is a good leader so she would be fit for the vice job because she lead sneaky missions to try to assian Snow behind Coin's back and succeded in leading the mission.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

City of Dreams

  I think this book called the City of Dreams, by Beverly Swerling, is really interesting because it is about New York in it's early days. I think that is interesting because I learned that early white people weren't just racist to blacks and asians but also to jews and people of other races. Also if the white guy was protasent that means he would probably be racist to white christians because England was a protestant country and New York is an English country, so they made fun of christians and even killed them. I also learned that before Washington D.C was the capital of the U.S New York was the first capital of the states. Finally I learned that they were very strict laws back then like if your wife wasn't doing things that you didn't like you could beat them with whips or with your hands.

 I really think that it's amazing how Morgan Turner a privateer turned rebel fighter survived on the H.M.S Jersey a British prison boat for 4 years, no other prisoner has lived past 2 months. I think that he survived because he was a privateer and he knows stuff about ships and how to limit his food for days. Also I think that maybe he was given more food because he was a respectable fighter against the British. I also think that maybe he didn't cause much trouble so they just gave him his food and didn't torture him as much as the other prisoners. Finally I think he survived because the other prisoners helped him to live, example give him his food because he was one of the main leaders of the rebel army and I think that they wanted him to live, escape the ship and then to continue to help Washington win the war for America.